April 2021

ENDracing News April 2021

Hello ENDracers! Here's some 2021 info.

- Volunteer paddlers needed for END-WET
- Volunteers needed for Wilderman
- END-TICK registration is open!
- END-WET registration is open!
- Wilderman registration is open!
- A plug for first aid/CPR training
- Other races down the line...

**Volunteer Paddlers Needed**
END-WET 36-mile swim (Grand Forks, ND) is in two months (June 19), so we're looking for folks to be support paddlers for swimmers from out of town. We can provide you with a canoe or kayak if needed. More information on the volunteer signup form at https://endracing.com/volunteer. We pay $150 per support boat (plus post-race dinner, if that's the sort of thing you're in for). This race absolutely could not happen without the kind of community support that we've seen for almost ten years, so thank you for considering.

If you have a motorboat, we're interested in talking to you about helping support the race in a different way. Please let us know on the volunteer form.

**Volunteers Needed for Wilderman**
If paddling isn't your thing, maybe a weekend (July 17-18) in beautiful Walhalla, ND is more attractive. We're always looking for folks who want to hang out on gravel roads, trails, or deep in the Pembina Gorge to support aid stations for the Wilderman offroad iron-distance triathlon. More information on the volunteer signup form at https://endracing.com/volunteer. You don't need to come for the whole weekend.

If you have an amateur (ham) radio license or know someone who does, we (well, Beek anyway) are interested in talking to you about improving communication during the race. Please let us know on the volunteer form.

**END-TICK Registration is Open!**
Join Tim Bauer for some gravel goodness in Lake Park, MN on June 5. Ride your bike 55, 105, or 205 km. If you want more details (like what those distances are in miles), check out the website: https://endracing.com/end-tick.

**END-WET Registration is Open**
People seem to be itching to get back in the water, because we have 20 folks signed up for END-WET 36-mile swim on June 19. Where did we find 36 miles to swim around here? In the beautiful Red River of the North! Race details and registration at https://endracing.com/end-wet/.

**Wilderman Offroad Iron-Distance Triathlon Registration is Open**
Start the race on July 17th, finish sometime before noon on the 18th, have a lot of Type III fun in the middle. West of Walhalla, ND in the Pembina Gorge, Wilderman is a great way to challenge yourself when Ironman gets boring. Race details and registration at https://endracing.com/end-wet/.

**First Aid and CPR Training is Important (especially if you never went to med school)**
We've been at this ENDracing thing a long time now, and seen so many people do big things. This story about Erik Sanders is a must-read if you like to "go hard" in the outdoors, and really underscores the importance of first aid/CPR training. He's with us today because of the luck of being surrounded by medical professionals, but these rare events can happen anywhere.


Erik is a University of North Dakota alumnus and ENDracing friend who got his adventure racing start right here in Grand Forks, North Dakota and has been doing hard things all over the world ever since.

**Other Races Down the Line...**
We expect to have the following races opened up later this year:
- Extreme North Dakota SFall Adventure Race, September 2021: https://endracing.com/end-spar
- END-TICK Gravel Race, October 2021: https://endracing.com/end-tick
- ENDracing Double Feature, October 2021: https://endracing.com/double-feature

Hope the spring is treating you well, and hope to see you racing or volunteering soon!

--ENDracing Crew